Entertainment Forums
CODE OF CONDUCTPlease keep the following in mind before you start posting at the Entertainment Forums.
They are really easy, worth it, meaningful and Important!
-These Forums are for Entertainment, make sure they remain this way and doesn't become a place where people move away from Entertainment and indulge in other useless activities.
-A friendly, warm and welcoming environment is the key to attract guest visitors and keep the forum's running healthy. Make sure your tone and attitude is friendly to everyone and anyone you come across. A person noticed to be rude/proudy/bossy or anything of that sort will right away be warned, and his warning level, will increase and reputation marks will decrease.
-Do not try to be someone you arent. Do not Copy anyone else in style. Make sure you carve a niché for yourself and have an Idnetity of yours!
-Anyone found to have made multiple IDs and is the same user will right away be banned, without any notice. If someone is required to make IDs due to some reason, INFORM the ADMIN, and NOT any regular friend of yours. We have ways to make out if u have multiple IDs with different emails!
-We encourage healthy discussions.
-Avoid 1-liners. 1 Liner topics arent allowed., certain topics opened, which contain just a line saying
'He looked good 2day' OR '
Do u know XYZ is a ' ______'
are strictly not allowed.
Anyone notices something like this and if the ADMINS did not see it and warned, report it to the ADMIN OR the MOD/CAPTAIN (if any) of your forum.
This will again cause a deduction in reputation marks and increase in WL.
-Bashing other members specially the DT members is simply prohibited. Respect your ADMINS| MODS | CAPTAINS
-Mention the source or credit the person or place if you are using some information or anything from other sites!
To be editted further...